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mother earth
I think that in everybody's life, there comes an "aha" moment when you realize that the big picture is about much more than you and your little world. I remember mine very well....it was like, umm...a little over a year ago.

On my last day at the beach I woke early to walk it and say goodbye until next time. Noticing a couple on a mission, I asked what was up with the stethoscope around the fellow's neck. Doctor looking to do early AM physicals in the sand? These travelers invited me to walk a few yards and share their daily ritual of monitoring the sea turtle nest. The stethoscope is to listen for sounds of movement under the well protected nest that indicate that the time is near for those babies to hatch and swim! Most don't make it....but not because the volunteers don't try. When the time is right it's like a big old party in the maternity waiting room! The whole team gathers to dig a trench and wash those babies out to sea. I imagine that they hoot and holler and give 'em a pat on the butt to hurry them down and wish them well on their swimming lessons.

The one or two out of a hundred turtles that make it can live to be over a hundred years old. This September, I found myself worrying if the dunes are still there and the turtles are okay. As a Christian and an environmentalist , I know in my heart that the water rises and falls and the wind blows and whispers and that all is well with our souls if we follow our bliss.

Bliss is where we claim it.....whether on the beach or in the mountains or just doing a day's work to pay the bills in Smalltown USA. It's about kids and the future and a healthy respect for the past. Mostly, it's about love and doing the right thing. ^j^

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