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The gift of Life
It's a cliche in the blood bank biz.....The mini-transplant that saves your life sometimes. White cells with a differential and RBCS all sized up and measured give your healthcare providers a great idea of what's up with your body. Expiration date is 40 somethin' days. The gift is heavily regulated by governmantal agencies that assure old timers of a fat pension.

The gift is given freely by folks who feel the need to do something for somebody else. Often it's at a crisis point that people realize that the product they need is in short supply because somebody got lazy and forgot the expiration dates or the forms.

5% of the population of the USA (land of the free and home of the brave) donates red blood cells when they can to support the other 95. Tack on the $$ and the availability, and you've got youself a disaster in the making. Could be your Mom or great-Uncle or best friend. The common factor is that their blood needed a boost.

My work experience today was sobering. I sat and listened to the entire record of a woman who died during a routine procedure at the hospital. We examined the documentaion and facts ? and came to the conclusion that we all strive to do better and it makes us nuts that somebody dropped the ball. Everybody's hurtin'.

The chronic disease process requires support. Cancer patients..renal failure. GI bleeds. They're regular customers. Occasionally somebody gets hurt or it all goes to hell in a handbasket and everybody yells "WOLF" Not enough, and not near fast enough. If only.............................................................................................................................................

Check out www.aabb.org . And keep the faith. ^j^

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