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By the light of the moon
I got a honkin' big ass fire going on out there in the yard. Finally got my ass in gear and started throwing shit out. Memorial Day eve fireworks and all. Something blew..dunno what it was.

I envy those who have no home to let go of..the rolling stones of life. Poop finds it hard to let go and move on. Or maybe it's just an appreciation of where I've been plus discernment. translation=picky bitch.

My gypsyologist says it's time to move on, and I trust her in those matters. Long ago, my other sage told me it would all turn out alright when we read the Ouija board together and she laid down my cards. Her advice was to take the bull by the horns.

The sorting through stuff is going well. Always helps to have some live coals to toss another piece of the past onto.

cool sunset 3
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