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That's southern for wore ass out as in the blades are dull and the battery needs a long charge and a rest. This motha never got a break, even years before she began her mommy blog.

My boss and her hub went to get a puppy today. I can't explain it, but that makes me so happy. They've been together for 20 years near about and never made that commitment like you do when you share a life that you "grow" together. Hub lost his older brother early in life and they have nursed each other through their fathers' deaths. They both love to work entirely too much, in my igdit opinion. I'd be figuring out a way to retire and take it easy like Hoss does, if I was them.

I'm not them though. I'm just me and that's not too bad these days. I got plenty to do what with breakin' up housekeeping and going thru shit. Here's a note: It's much easier to clean when you're moving ahead and can see what needs to be kept and what's fire pile trash. Heirlooms stay and paper plus plastic gets recycled via ashes to ashes. Dawgs travel well so I'll keep them as long as they continue to adore me. Otherwise, it's back to the pound with those woofy mutts.
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