Birds of a Feather

The heavens finally opened up with some much needed precipitation around this dusty old place. The murmur of the slow and steady downpour is exactly what my soul needs today...the ultimate in soothing background music for an afternoon at home.
As a farmer's daughter I remember watching my Daddy stand at the window during week long deluges and run up his blood pressure while fretting over when it would stop. This late spring dry spell is unusual for our area, and there are still fields unplanted because the rains haven't come at the proper time. The bottomland, which was too muddy to navigate about 3 weeks ago is ( up until today ) too dry to plant. Such a delicate balance to sustain healthy growth.
Life is much like that in its'seasons of new birth and active growth followed by the maturation of summer. The autumn is bittersweet in the combination of blazing beauty during the throes of death. Winter. Well, it can be the most beautiful of all on a cold and clear starry night. I have often wondered why the transitional pleasant seasons couldn't last longer. But then again, sameness and constancy, even if "perfect", would become less of a treasure and something to be too easily taken for granted.
As a younger woman, I sought perfection. Stuck in the cultural divide between June Cleaver and Gloria Steinem I struggled to find my identify and define myself. If I called in to work because my child was sick, I had to face the wrath of my boss and the loss of a day's pay. When I spent time furthering my career I felt torn and pulled away from that special angel that God had trusted to my care. I loved to entertain in my laid back sort of way whether I was partying with my adult friends or a gaggle of 4 year old kids. One of the warmest kudos I ever received was at BG's 12th birthday party when my Mom looked around at those gawky pre-teens hugging all over me and said "These kids really LIKE you."
I realize that it's not all about me. That's a relief in an odd sort of way. Those of you who are there know what I mean. The pressure to perform and achieve is gone and has been replaced by an in-between spot. One of those seasons where all that's needed for a growth spurt is just the right amount of rainfall and sunshine. And the faith that it will be provided.
There are eggs now in the nest that is fashioned from bits and pieces of the nature that surrounds me and Momma bird. She peeks at me as I look in on the progress of the little family hanging by my front door. She hasn't chirped at me yet, but when she does I think it will sound something like Keep the Faith.
Wish us Volunteers a happy birthday y'all.