If anything can go wrong with the old Poopster, it will. I think it's called Poopie's law or something. One of my co-workers who was hitting the wall every which way she turned one day said to me "I feel like I'm having one of your blog days." Heh. Today was no exception to the law.
I've been busting a gut around here this weekend trying to get my act together since, being the procrastinator that I am, the act was about to come unraveled if I didn't pay it some attention. I do SO hate to shop, but there are certain things that you just can't get at the little grocery on the way home so I headed to Wally World early this morning with my list. Nice quiet time. In and out in 20 minutes flat. Am I good or what?????
After piddling a bit more and gathering up the mess of branches I created yesterday, I got to looking for umm...that peach mango body spray? Nowhere to be found. Nor the flea collars for the cats. Uh. Okay. After checking the receipt I found that I had made it home without about 20 bucks worth of stuff. Evidently the lady left one of my sacks on the little wheel thingy.
Back to the super store I go, only now the whole damn world is there and it's 90 degrees and I hike a mile into the customer service desk. Which has a line 15 minutes long. Good thing I've got a long fuse :)
If this extreme heat is any indication of the rest of the summer for us Southerners, all I can say is Bless our Hearts. I passed on attending a distant relative's funeral today simply because I could picture the sweat pouring in that packed little funeral home and I do NOT look good dripping in sweat. Plus I was busy getting-my-act-together. So, uh let's see what's left.
The things I hate the worst, naturally!! Washing dishes and vacuuming.
I think they can slide a few more days............................
I've been busting a gut around here this weekend trying to get my act together since, being the procrastinator that I am, the act was about to come unraveled if I didn't pay it some attention. I do SO hate to shop, but there are certain things that you just can't get at the little grocery on the way home so I headed to Wally World early this morning with my list. Nice quiet time. In and out in 20 minutes flat. Am I good or what?????
After piddling a bit more and gathering up the mess of branches I created yesterday, I got to looking for umm...that peach mango body spray? Nowhere to be found. Nor the flea collars for the cats. Uh. Okay. After checking the receipt I found that I had made it home without about 20 bucks worth of stuff. Evidently the lady left one of my sacks on the little wheel thingy.
Back to the super store I go, only now the whole damn world is there and it's 90 degrees and I hike a mile into the customer service desk. Which has a line 15 minutes long. Good thing I've got a long fuse :)
If this extreme heat is any indication of the rest of the summer for us Southerners, all I can say is Bless our Hearts. I passed on attending a distant relative's funeral today simply because I could picture the sweat pouring in that packed little funeral home and I do NOT look good dripping in sweat. Plus I was busy getting-my-act-together. So, uh let's see what's left.
The things I hate the worst, naturally!! Washing dishes and vacuuming.
I think they can slide a few more days............................