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Stop the Presses!
My perpetually smartass commenting ways have caught up with me and now I must digress. ( Damn, I've been DYING to use that word!) 'Ole Hoss called me on a wishfully thought comment to his piece yesterday saying that I was gettin' MARRIED! Truth is, I'm not even engaged. Double truth is I don't even have a boyfriend. So, umm. I guess this little personality capsule of me isn't quite true and you can't call me "Honest Poopsie".

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com

I swiped this from Fast Eddie who seemed quite in tune with the sexually exciting possibilities of being a JFK kinda guy.

HOWEVER.....if I ever get married, or even have a boyfriend for that matter. Y'all will certainly be the first to know ;)

That is all. Over and out.
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