this too shall pass.....
That's a wise old saying from one of the oldsters in my life which I frequently bring out when I'm in a funk. Thanks for all the support and encouragement, y'all. It has passed once again and Poopsie is on the prowl for some good times. I will reach a milestone in September of this year....the big five OH. Instead of dreading it, I'm looking for some celebratory activities. True to my stream-of-consciousness nature, I heard a song at work the other day called It's a Great Day to Kick Somebody's Ass and the guy's voice and style reminded me of John Prine who will be in the neighborhood during my b'day month. Might have to find some lucky guy to squire me to that event at the Orpheum. About the next best thing would be seeing Little Feat.
In other news, I have baby chickadees by the front door with their little mouths wide open and eyes shut tight waiting for Momma Bird to feed 'em. I'm hoping to get a picture before they fly away. The goldfinches are lovin' me and my non-stop supply of thistle seed above thebirdbath oversized bowl for the dog's water. ( thanx, Jen ) I may make an appearance at Friday Bird Blogging after all.
I'm still calculating a chance to get some beach time soon, and that involves much optimisim on this broke old gal's part. I hear that my favorite haunt on the coast at AL Gulf Shores State Park hasn't recovered from Ivan yet. It might take a while.
In other news, I have baby chickadees by the front door with their little mouths wide open and eyes shut tight waiting for Momma Bird to feed 'em. I'm hoping to get a picture before they fly away. The goldfinches are lovin' me and my non-stop supply of thistle seed above the
I'm still calculating a chance to get some beach time soon, and that involves much optimisim on this broke old gal's part. I hear that my favorite haunt on the coast at AL Gulf Shores State Park hasn't recovered from Ivan yet. It might take a while.