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from a to z with the poopster
I borrowed ( stole ) this from kenju this morning. Since I've never done the "100 things" thing , or even 5 for that matter, I thought it'd be fun.

A is for Age: Barrelling toward the big five 0
B is for Booze: B is for BEER :) A boatload of it!
C is for Career: Medical Technologist
D is for Dad's name: Daddy
E is for Essential Item to bring to a Party: Something good to eat and a readiness to laugh and cut up
F is for Favorite Songs at the Moment: Since Supernatural(it's old, but I still seat dance to it)
G is for Goof-off thing to do: Blogging,reading,cooking
H is for Hometown: Dyersburg, TN
I is for Instrument you play: Piano
J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Don't like jam..grape jelly.(how boring!)
K is for Kids: One daughter almost 21 ( how did that happen??)
L is for Living arrangement: A house in the country with one and a half dogs and two cats
M is for Mom's name: Mom
N is for Names of best friends: Kay,Angie,BabyGirl and her buds,several co-workers
O is for overnight hospital stays: Having the babygirl,sinus windows(what a nightmare!),gallbladder when I was seventeen(that was a whole WEEK back then)
P is for Phobias: SSSSssssssnakes
Q is for Quote you like: "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger"
R is for Relationship that lasted longest: 20 year marriage, long gone ;)
S is for Siblings: Two younger brothers
T is for Texas, ever been?: Yep...to Corpus Christi area
U is for Unique trait: I can "see fall"
V is for Vegetables you love: Purple hull peas, peaches'n cream corn, asparagus
W is for Worst traits: Fall in love way too easily, zero tolerance for bullshit
X is for Xrays you've had: Mammograms EVERY year, torn hamstring last year...YOW
Y is for Yummy food you make: Everything. Really..I'm a great cook thanks to my Mom and daughter.
Z is for Zodiac sign: Virgo

Now don't you know Poopie just a little bit better?
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