'tis the season
If you went to the SuperMegaStore anytime this weekend, all I can say is "bless your heart." I do believe if they were giving away those specials I'd have stayed home in my jammies. Instead, I was at work. Gotta make some money to buy your socks and underwear, you know.
Since it's almost Advent, several bloggers have taken on a Christmas theme. Michael at Ripple Me This is always up for game playing. His secret santa thing sounds like a lot of fun. I noticed all the participants so far have their own buttons. How cool is that! Muzikdude has officially claimed his blog as the "fruit cake of the blogosphere." I sure do enjoy visiting there and reading about the Bunnybashers and Duckslayers..and especially when his Mom gives him advice. Heck I even enjoy his spam. Maybe I should send him my picture to accompany the seasonal theme. Captain Picard has you-know-who in a red suit on the Holodeck 2 doing the Santa thing with all the kiddos.
Speaking of Santa...I'm about to start working on my list so I can mail it to the North Pole in time. I'm thinking I would adore a few of these things:
A massage with heavy emphasis on shoulders and neck. I wonder which elf would be the best at that?? Hmm.
Some new music. Sheesh. I hear Santana's got a new one and Garth's out of retirement. Thankyouverymuch Trisha ;)
Socks and underwear. See above.
A date for New Year's Eve OR a new 9V battery for the bullet.
My own camera so I don't have to keepstealing borrowing my poor Mom's.
An orbital sander. ( don't ask )
New collars for the dawgs.
Peace on earth.
In the words of my favorite artist Mary Engelbreit
Since it's almost Advent, several bloggers have taken on a Christmas theme. Michael at Ripple Me This is always up for game playing. His secret santa thing sounds like a lot of fun. I noticed all the participants so far have their own buttons. How cool is that! Muzikdude has officially claimed his blog as the "fruit cake of the blogosphere." I sure do enjoy visiting there and reading about the Bunnybashers and Duckslayers..and especially when his Mom gives him advice. Heck I even enjoy his spam. Maybe I should send him my picture to accompany the seasonal theme. Captain Picard has you-know-who in a red suit on the Holodeck 2 doing the Santa thing with all the kiddos.
Speaking of Santa...I'm about to start working on my list so I can mail it to the North Pole in time. I'm thinking I would adore a few of these things:
A massage with heavy emphasis on shoulders and neck. I wonder which elf would be the best at that?? Hmm.
Some new music. Sheesh. I hear Santana's got a new one and Garth's out of retirement. Thankyouverymuch Trisha ;)
Socks and underwear. See above.
A date for New Year's Eve OR a new 9V battery for the bullet.
My own camera so I don't have to keep
An orbital sander. ( don't ask )
New collars for the dawgs.
Peace on earth.
In the words of my favorite artist Mary Engelbreit