one of those days.....
An absolutely gorgeous one for playin' outside. The mowers cranked up with very little drama, thank you Big Ernie. Due to this little cool spell we've had the yard doesn't really need mowin'...I just wanted to see if they were ready to roll when the yard boy shows up. That would be the old Poopster herself, y'all. Don'tcha just adore a redneck gal who can multitask?
We burned some shit had a lovely fire last night. It was cold as a witches you-know-what but the stars were bright and there was no wind and the beer didn't get hot. I added my winter stick collection to the embers today and got it fired back up for a minute or two. One of BabyGirl's friends asked me to teach him how to play backgammon on my fancy schmancy board. It's been so long since I played that I forgot about the men up on the bar and rolling to get 'em out of jail and headed toward home.
Last time I wrote something here I was wishin' for Friday and it's already Monday eve. I hate it when that happens.

Update, status urgent. Western Tennesse news is mostly bad. *gasp* If it bleeds it leads, I reckon. The University of Memphis tigers are out of the smackdown. They're in good company with the Duke boys and all that. Sorry redneck friend...there's always next year. In other news, the MSM from around the globe has sent reporters to interview the couple who cried foul when their live-in babysitter of five years went missing with the kids and turned out to be a man. Mom looked simply lovely among the TV cameras smokin' a cig like a movie star from the forties stoned out of her gourd. She and the baby'daddy are just "shocked" at the lie. In a nearby town "the perfect wife" of a COC minister shot him in the back and hightailed it to an Orange Beach condo with the kidlets. I've read that she confessed to the whole thing due to the temporary insanity of being a woman who doesn't have a clue who she is.
Last time I wrote something here I was wishin' for Friday and it's already Monday eve. I hate it when that happens.

Update, status urgent. Western Tennesse news is mostly bad. *gasp* If it bleeds it leads, I reckon. The University of Memphis tigers are out of the smackdown. They're in good company with the Duke boys and all that. Sorry redneck friend...there's always next year. In other news, the MSM from around the globe has sent reporters to interview the couple who cried foul when their live-in babysitter of five years went missing with the kids and turned out to be a man. Mom looked simply lovely among the TV cameras smokin' a cig like a movie star from the forties stoned out of her gourd. She and the baby'daddy are just "shocked" at the lie. In a nearby town "the perfect wife" of a COC minister shot him in the back and hightailed it to an Orange Beach condo with the kidlets. I've read that she confessed to the whole thing due to the temporary insanity of being a woman who doesn't have a clue who she is.