a walk down (and back up) pecan lane
As you all know, the Poopster has given up lazy-assedness for Lent. Hopefully it will stick past Easter, though I tend to get lazy again when the heat and humidity hit. Southern belles do so hate to sweat. Anyhow, while it lasts I thought I'd share the view with you. From my house to the end of the lane where it meets the "main" (and I use the term loosely) road, and back to the house is exactly a mile...and quite a scenic one at that. I can see the haunted dairy barn and silos from my yard, and as I get closer they loom before me.

It's downhill from there with a huge mess of kudzu on the left and the drainage ditch on the right. Following heavy rains like we've had, it's constantly in motion carrying the water away from the cropland on top of the hill.

Of course the dawgs LOVE it because they can take a dip as they please while we're out. Toward the bottom, beside the paper shell pecan trees, the water gets quite deep and spills over the road during hard rains.

If I'm feelin' real energetic (which ain't often) I'll take a left at the main road and walk to my parents' house or take a right and another right and hoof it up the golf course. Same hill there as well. I'm still in trainin' though, so me and the girls turn around and head back up the incline.

Can you hear me huffing and puffing?? The airport runway runs along the edge of the golf course so I can hear small planes piloted by instructors and students taking off and landing most any time, especially on pretty days. There's an occasional corporate jet arrival or departure that has quite a different sound. Topping the hill and passing by the barn again, I can see my house down the lane, framed by hundred year old pecan trees.

This line of pines serves as a windbreak for stormy winter months when the northwest winds come straight at us. Just a few more steps and I'm home!

The only thing better would be to have some good conversation on the walk. The dogs are too busy playin' to chat with me.

It's downhill from there with a huge mess of kudzu on the left and the drainage ditch on the right. Following heavy rains like we've had, it's constantly in motion carrying the water away from the cropland on top of the hill.

Of course the dawgs LOVE it because they can take a dip as they please while we're out. Toward the bottom, beside the paper shell pecan trees, the water gets quite deep and spills over the road during hard rains.

If I'm feelin' real energetic (which ain't often) I'll take a left at the main road and walk to my parents' house or take a right and another right and hoof it up the golf course. Same hill there as well. I'm still in trainin' though, so me and the girls turn around and head back up the incline.

Can you hear me huffing and puffing?? The airport runway runs along the edge of the golf course so I can hear small planes piloted by instructors and students taking off and landing most any time, especially on pretty days. There's an occasional corporate jet arrival or departure that has quite a different sound. Topping the hill and passing by the barn again, I can see my house down the lane, framed by hundred year old pecan trees.

This line of pines serves as a windbreak for stormy winter months when the northwest winds come straight at us. Just a few more steps and I'm home!

The only thing better would be to have some good conversation on the walk. The dogs are too busy playin' to chat with me.