we have issues
Yep..all of us. Mama's boy or Daddy's girl or victim of love/abuse/train wreck etc. Each individual is the sum total of the experiences that he or she has had, including the family heritage. So much of that is just pure drama, in my opinion. I see it played out at work when Auntie or Grandpa-in-law is sick and dying. Nothing like a crisis to bring everybody's baggage out in clear view. My bags are a bit lighter these days, thanks to where I've been and what I've learned along the way. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we all just said to hell with the personal agenda and walked in another person's shoes for a day or two. Webster would define that as empathy.

Everybody gets tired and pissed...and rightfully so. Sometimes we run across a cretin or two who just doesn't have a clue where the anger comes from and even denies that it exists. If they ain't busy spewing it out on the rest of the world they're denying it exists and going the passive agressive route. More of the same turns into more of the same which is much less than we need and deserve. For three years now our government has been pouring massive amounts of money and American lives into a "project" that is a no-win situation for all involved. I can't quote the body count, but this guy can on any given day. It's a full fledged shit storm over there. There are guys like Bill who got called up on the verge of retirement to build schools and hospitals for the Iraqi people. They are serving our country by doing damage control in another one halfway across the globe where they who don't blink an eye at taking humanitarians out on their way to martyrdom are out in full force.
When will it be about us and OUR issues? The richest country in the world runs on an agenda of the haves gettin' richer and the have nots losing what little hope they have for a better life. Meanwhile, our elected officials pander and play and line their pockets. I won't say the "H" word. If I did, Homeland Security would be all over me like white on rice. Hell, I'd be Jimmy Hoffa in the Forked Deere River thanks to that wiretapping business.
Yeah..Poopie's on a rant. This lady is too. I may not know what I'm talkin'about, but I think she does.

Everybody gets tired and pissed...and rightfully so. Sometimes we run across a cretin or two who just doesn't have a clue where the anger comes from and even denies that it exists. If they ain't busy spewing it out on the rest of the world they're denying it exists and going the passive agressive route. More of the same turns into more of the same which is much less than we need and deserve. For three years now our government has been pouring massive amounts of money and American lives into a "project" that is a no-win situation for all involved. I can't quote the body count, but this guy can on any given day. It's a full fledged shit storm over there. There are guys like Bill who got called up on the verge of retirement to build schools and hospitals for the Iraqi people. They are serving our country by doing damage control in another one halfway across the globe where they who don't blink an eye at taking humanitarians out on their way to martyrdom are out in full force.
When will it be about us and OUR issues? The richest country in the world runs on an agenda of the haves gettin' richer and the have nots losing what little hope they have for a better life. Meanwhile, our elected officials pander and play and line their pockets. I won't say the "H" word. If I did, Homeland Security would be all over me like white on rice. Hell, I'd be Jimmy Hoffa in the Forked Deere River thanks to that wiretapping business.
Yeah..Poopie's on a rant. This lady is too. I may not know what I'm talkin'about, but I think she does.