deja vu
Skunk e-mailed me to give me a heads up on the latest cold front set to clash over the mid-section of the country. I kinda like him even though he makes fun of us southerners who adore grits. As you can probably imagine we're still pretty skittish around here considering sights like this.......
Soooooooo...... this morning when a weather pattern identical to that of last Sunday started moving our way, everybody got kinda nervous and all and started lookin' for funnels in the clouds and such. We may be southern, but we ain't stupid. Once bitten, twice shy. It's been a doozie, but so far West Tennessee has been spared a repeat performance. Let's keep our fingers crossed on that.
After Sunday night's big ordeal, I called my Mama on Monday to make sure she wasn't still in the bathtub with Daddy and the portable radio. We got to talking about how my youngest brother got hooked on being a weatherman. When middle brother and I were in elementary school she hauled all three of us to Alice Thurmond Primary school for a PTO meeting in the basement cafeteria. A severe thunderstorm hit while we were down there, and afterwards my baby brother went around the schoolyard collecting hail in a mason jar and brought it back for everybody to admire. She swears that was the beginning of his fascination with the weather, and I do believe she's right. The boy lives in the mountains of Virginia yet he knows what happens in West Tennessee before we do. Once a reporter, always a reporter I reckon. Back during our near miss with the big twister of '02, he chased storms for a solid week as wave after wave of violent weather hit our already ravaged area. He became a celebrity when he and his associates in a nearby town kept on reporting the weather right as a tornado ripped over their studio. They WERE in the hall, after all.
I've been a very bad blogger lately and haven't even visited my daily fixes. I'll try to get back with the b**g world this weekend. Y'all keep the faith.

After Sunday night's big ordeal, I called my Mama on Monday to make sure she wasn't still in the bathtub with Daddy and the portable radio. We got to talking about how my youngest brother got hooked on being a weatherman. When middle brother and I were in elementary school she hauled all three of us to Alice Thurmond Primary school for a PTO meeting in the basement cafeteria. A severe thunderstorm hit while we were down there, and afterwards my baby brother went around the schoolyard collecting hail in a mason jar and brought it back for everybody to admire. She swears that was the beginning of his fascination with the weather, and I do believe she's right. The boy lives in the mountains of Virginia yet he knows what happens in West Tennessee before we do. Once a reporter, always a reporter I reckon. Back during our near miss with the big twister of '02, he chased storms for a solid week as wave after wave of violent weather hit our already ravaged area. He became a celebrity when he and his associates in a nearby town kept on reporting the weather right as a tornado ripped over their studio. They WERE in the hall, after all.
I've been a very bad blogger lately and haven't even visited my daily fixes. I'll try to get back with the b**g world this weekend. Y'all keep the faith.