with intent

This stuff is more addictive than crack to me. Yep,old Poopster spent the grocery money on flowers and tomato plants at Pennington's feed store in historic downtown Dyersburg. You can find me digging in the dirt tomorrow. I don't buy many annuals because I figured out a long time ago that something that won't come back on its'own is NOT a practical purchase for a poor single girl. Most of my perennials are from other yards and roadsides where I've dug them up and hauled 'em home to transplant. It's pretty cool to walk the yard and remember where each little flowering gift came from.
Could it be that these guys are also "unpatriotic liberal Americans" just like me? Don't worry...I'm too tired to rant. As you were.
I now have something to count down to besides my fifty first birthday in September. Exactly two weeks from today my first week off from work since November '04 will commence, sandwiched between two free weekends. That's NINE whole days folks. If all goes according to plan, I expect a celebrity visitor to Pecan Lane about mid-week.
See y'all on the porch.