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launch day

Some of you have read about here, or followed links to the river adventures of my online friends John Ruskey and Mike Clark. Today is a big day for these two as well as the rest of the folks who have been involved in the re-enactment of the Lewis and Clark expedition. The hand carved canoes which have been lovingly constructed over the past months will be launched on the Yellowstone River in Montana for the 2000 mile journey that is scheduled to end in St. Louis on September 23. You can get a look at some of the canoes here and keep up with their journey. All of these activities are centered around the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark expedition from 1803-1806. It's amazing stuff...check it out. Good luck guys!!


*sigh* That is the sound of the old Poopster breathing easy now that the cool front has washed up the dirty air around these parts. Air quality has been "code orange" for the past week with temps reaching 100 every day. Factor middle age and menopause into that, and well...you've got one hot mama, and not in a good way :) The animals here at the zoo have been pretty reluctant to go outside except for a quick pee or poop. We still have two kittens, neither of which have learned to meow yet. What's up with that??

No news is good news, I reckon. Quiet Saturday, no drama. My peace loving self really likes that kind of karma. What are y'all doing? I'm gonna throw some burgeres on the grill soon. Come on over.

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