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turning the corner
Something happened today, in a cosmic sort of way. Though I couldn't swear to it, the orbit of my earth seemed to shift a bit in a way that let me know that the really hard times are coming to an end in my little world. All I can figure is that it finally hit home that life is good, in spite of the angst. Glass half full and all that. This is not a new vantage point for me mind you...I've spent most of my years feeling guilty about feeling bad about poop that just happens and building hope on the little gems of kindness and faith that I experience every day. On the afternoon news from Memphis, there was a piece about a group of people who threw together...in ONE week...a summer long program for at-risk neighborhood children in a local church where they sang and danced and did crafts while learning about the Bible. In my humble opinion, that is the church in action and not the job of the government or the school system. Faith is possible only when there is hope for something different.

That is what I pray for this country. Most of us are the "middle class" who support the upper and lower earning tiers with our tax dollars. We expect, because we are taxed so heavily, that we will receive tender loving care from a group of elected officials who lobby and wine and dine until they are so full of power that we feel helpless and lose our voices. That big old chunk of working America that is us is slowly reaching retirement age at a time when the chaos of the world threatens to engulf our good intentions with hatred. Several years ago, my baby brother opined that we should all become more self sufficient and go back to the basics. At the time I was consumed with recovering from the end of a long marriage and the latter years of teenagehood with my BabyGirl. Times were hard because there was no partner to share the load. It all went to hell in a handbasket as I looked on and kept my paws off as best I could.

It took awhile, but I found myself again...the woman who exists outside of mom and employee and friend and wife and daughter and you-can-always-count-on-her girl. In short, I became who I am today. Older, wiser in some ways. Still not organized, no matter how hard I try. Sucker for pretty pictures, animals, music and belly laughs. Paradoxically, I am a lover of both antiques and discovery of new things that I cherish. Sometimes these are one and the same.

I'm slowing down, and that's okay because it's my turn. Hugs are held a bit longer because they feel good. *Period*. So does a nice long nap with a pet and a good book during a slow steady rain. I don't wear much makeup or have high maintenance hair, but I sure do enjoy the occasional "all about me" self indulgent session as the money allows. Gives me the energy to get up and go out there and enjoy the blessings of Big Momma nature and all her miracles. It sure would be a shame to lose those gifts that Big Ernie gave us. See: New Covenant aka WWJD.

Last time I read it, it went something like this:

Love one another.

Get pissed off and take intelligent action against injustice.

Believe in miracles.

Do unto the least of these as you would have them do unto you.

Remember who you are.

Call Make peace with your past.

Keep the faith.

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