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learnin' the hard way
I suppose there's something to be said for that way of living life. I never was one of those sheeple who follow the crowd, though sometimes I wished I was. Life must be so easy when you're not burdened with the angst of questioning every little speck of activity and authority since time began here on Mother Earth. So far there's still some green here and there and it's not "too" warm yet...except in July here in Tennessee. That's what tank tops are for, y'all.

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My little scare with HPV taught me a lesson about the big bad world. It's the virus that causes cervical cancer and there are genotypes classified as low and high risk. It causes subtle changes in the cytology of the cervix which, if you are faithful to the principles of preventive care, will be picked up on a yearly PAP smear. Just because it's there doesn't mean you "picked it up" recently. Sometimes viruses lie dormant for years and decide to go wild for no reason other than a full moon. The good news is that there is a vaccine now that gives girls who haven't become sexually active a chance at NEVER having to deal with cancer of the cervix. One of the other big C's might slap them on the behind, but it's a start and and it beats being a nun.

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Doctors and lawyers and preachers and politicians and movie stars and teachers are human beings just like us and they do dumb things sometimes and live to regret them. There was only one perfect human ever, and every time some idiot doc rips me a new poophole because he's having a bad day and I'm doing my job, I try to remember that. It more than makes up for it when I go to see an old friend for legal advice and get treated like a princess when I need it the most. Thanks, Elton and Jason. Love ya...mean it.

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I went to work twenty nine years ago as a bona fide college graduated med tech for the princely sum of $4.92 an hour. Had I stayed inside the walls of the clinical laboratory and not experienced life with the patients and their families I would have missed the journey entirely. Earning a living in healthcare has given me the opportunity to feel every little detail of what makes it a growth experience and what can destroy human dignity in a heartbeat.

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There's a time and place for reality and then there's the escape from it. I prefer equal parts of both as doled out by Big Ernie. Love thy neighbor. Kick over the tables in the temple when things don't seem quite fair. Believe in miracles. He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

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There is great joy in laughing your ass off along the way. I would have given up the ghost eons ago had it not been for SNL, Dave and Jay, John Boy and Billy and Comedy Central making me *snort* these past few years. Oh yeah..and Hoss too.

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Y'all have yourselves a merry little Christmas, ummkay? Your card's in the mail.

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