seinfeld and lazarus
Me and the BabyGirl are kind of like ships passing in the night these days. She's taking algebra this summer so she won't be loaded up with two math courses in the fall. This week she's working at vacation bible school for some of the mucho volunteer hours that are required of a social work major. Then, of course, there's the graveyard shift not-much-above-minimum-wage job. We were chillin' with the dogs watching Jerry and his rowdy bunch while she did a little prep work on the whole Lazarus thing, thumbing through my duct-taped bible. It was a gift from her one mother's day long long ago. She said "Looks like you need a new one." Hmm..I think not. That is the one that taught me who I am as a Christian and I'd sure hate to lose those handwritten notes and highlights.
Faith must have gotten lost in the corn because it took her until this afternoon to make her way back home. She seems to be dreaming about the whole adventure right now as she snoozes on the couch, paws jerking now and then. Wore plum out. My personal opinion? She was probably tired of navigating the kitten farm out there on the front porch. They're cute and all, but there sure is a LOT of 'em. Phyllis? This pic's for you
Can you pick which one is different?
Thanks for the prayers, y'all.
Keep the faith. ^j^
Faith must have gotten lost in the corn because it took her until this afternoon to make her way back home. She seems to be dreaming about the whole adventure right now as she snoozes on the couch, paws jerking now and then. Wore plum out. My personal opinion? She was probably tired of navigating the kitten farm out there on the front porch. They're cute and all, but there sure is a LOT of 'em. Phyllis? This pic's for you

Thanks for the prayers, y'all.
Keep the faith. ^j^