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somebody's cousin-in-law
That's the thing about living in smalltown USA. Everywhere you go, there you are with folks who know all about your momma'n'them and the bad seed who disgraced the whole dang bunch. I hear a lot of those stories up at the kudzu bar. I swear, there's a book there just screamin' to be written.

How was y'alls holiday? Mine was quite splendid if I say so myself. Being the reader of stories that I am old Poops sat on Mama and Daddy's floor and heard tales of the Korean war and WWII from my Dad and Oscar B. They talked about their travels from home to where the bases were with intricate detail including long lost friends and a lot of trains, buses and ships to get to where the action was.

Me and my old good lookin' friend took our chocolate labs out for a run behind the 4-wheeler in the afternoon. Much to my *surprise* we stumbled upon a sunflower field. That can only mean one thing in Tennessee and it usually involves guns'n'ammo. Myself? I could never eat one of Big Ernie's creatures...unless it's a chicken. Or a cow. Or a white fish.

Got on the schedule of not one but TWO surgeons today to get those pesky preventive medicine tasks taken care of week after next. The PAP smear has remained consistently abnormal for a year so it's time to say bye-bye to a part of the aged cervix. Cancer ain't nothing to mess around with, ya know? Both of my grandmothers and one aunt had carcinoma of the colon which seems pretty familial, if you ask me.

Other news? Not much. Casa Poops is quite a bit cleaner after an all day binge with PineSol and a dollar store mop. No recent SugarDaddy sightings. The weather is hot and humid which is good for the cotton crop and hell on middle aged women. I've decided that the best way to pay the utility bill is to sell the kittens so y'all can expect an online auction very soon. At last count, there were nine little yellow clones.

Names will be forthcoming :)
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