not wordless

Today was a celebration at the lunch and the awards!ceremony! for us old-timers. Since it's the holidays and all I'll not be a grinch about the whole thing. Let's just say that me and Lunch Buddy would have liked bologna and pork rinds just as well. We were overwhelmed with the generosity of the company in recognizing our thirty years of
Lily the new cat slept over my head last night so I guess the dogs don't seem to be a huge threat as long as one of us girls is within meowing distance. The claws are deadly, though. She likes to sit in my lap in the morning when I'm putting my face on and cuddle my leg with those claws. *yow*
The treats are made, some delivered. We still have presents and paper strung all over the dining room table and redneck lights hanging in the living room window. I love the holiday season not for what I'll get, but for what I get by relaxing into the atmosphere of what's important. Like friends and family. And cheese grits.