terrific tuesday

That's what Jerry's name is for the day after Marvelous Monday. Gotta love an optimist wherever you meet 'em. He happens to be a service rep for instruments at work. I've never seen the man without a smile. And he brings Elvis doughnuts too :) Those smiling folks are my Daddy and my friend the little general. They're expecting Santa to be good, as you can tell by the grins.
My best friend from high school is here for a few days visiting her parents. Pop is sick so she traveled from Seattle alone to help around the house and celebrate her mother's birthday. Bless her heart...she's got a little girl in kindergarten too. And teaches drama too. YIKES!! Anyhoo..she's gonna look up RG and compare notes with her on how precious I am *snort*
Saw this little blurb on the news tonight about Bush lighting a single bulb on a porch or something to increase our awareness of the dangers of being oil gluttons. Now ya'll know I'm not a real fan, so you'll appreciate my first bitchy little thought: " Damn..for a minute there I thought he had an idea."
It's T-7 days and you know what that means. Yep..time for a Valium. Seriously...ya'll be careful out there. Those mall Santas can be real pieces of work.