who let the dogs out in

Okay ya'll..it's a short story with long consequences if you know what I mean. If you know me just a little teensy bit you know that I adore animals. Hell, Pecan Lane is running over with 'em. There's pretty girl Faith and Butterbean the Bitch and Sammy D all running in a pack as fast as they can to the food bowl and Mama's bed. Throw a kitten named Lily into the mix and you've got a lot of interesting "talk to the animals" sort of shit goin' on with this brood plus the two horses and multitudes of critters just roaming the place for the fun of it.
Sorry for the rambling...it's been a very long weekend at the day job :) Anyways, back to our story. I stopped by the kudzu bar on my way home this afternoon and had a beer or