hurricane poopie

Listen, ya'll...enough with the heat already. The winds of Ike are set to come through here tomorrow in conjunction with a cool front that will (hopefully) promise me a sweat free week. Tried to call my dear friend Deb outside of Houston, but of course there's no service. I'm hoping she's somewhere safe and dry.
Went down to visit the parents this morning and Daddy gave me a "special" chore. He's been sprinkling these freeze dried worms in the fresh horse poop to keep the flies off of Pride and the dogs ususally get all up in the way so he asked me to sprinkle the horse poop this time. Alrighty, then. Will do. Sometime.
Babygirl is in Nashvegas being pampered for her pre-birthday by her best friend Heather. Instead of a birthday cake, she ordered from here so they could taste several of 'em.
Needless to say me and the dawgs have been sprawled all over the place with The Eagles blaring while we chill and do chores.
That picture up top is of farmer Joey overlooking the corn field on the main road. There's plenty more up and down Pecan Lane. It's amazing what you can see when the corn comes down....a whole new landscape. My house is kinda like Kevin Costner's baseball field in Field of Dreams only without the lights. Lord, I adore that movie.
Speaking of being star struck, I tuned into the chick flick channel last night and who did I see by my all time favorite actor in Must Love Dogs. I don't know what the heck it is, but there's something about his style that just makes me wanna run nekkid down the lane. I'm looking forward to seeing Burn After Reading because it looks funny as all get out. And, um, the scenery's pretty good too :)
And last but not least, God bless the internets for delivering me a spam comment from an adult website after I wrote about sex addiction. I am composing my thank you note to Gates right this minute!