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who let the dogs out
This is the view from my kitchen window. The colors and shadows change according to the season, but it's been pretty much mine for twenty odd years. I say a great big thank you to Big Ernie everytime I step up to that porcelain sink to wash dishes and enjoy such a view.

All three dawgs got a bath last night. Faith promptly went out and rolled in shit today, because that's what happy country dogs do. Poor thing just wants to go duck huntin' but nobody will teach her how to swim and fetch. What a shame.

I went by the feed store yesterday and got some mesh bags for the pecan crop and a bag of fertilizer for the asparagus bed. Oh, yeah. And a big sack of black oil sunflower seed for the birdies to eat this winter. It was a bit warmer today so I ventured out on bended knee to steal some pecans from the squirrels. There's about ten different sizes out there but the best ones are at the bottom of the lane...Stuarts. We're expecting a freeze this week so that ought to snap 'em right out of the hull.

Here's a recipe ya'll might enjoy if you happen to come across some spare pecans.


4 cups pecans
2T Country Bob's sauce
2T A1 sauce
1 stick butter

Melt all except pecans in microwave. Stir in pecans to coat. Spread on baking sheet and salt. Bake in 325 degree oven for 30 minutes, stirring and salting at ten minute intervals. Drain on paper towels and store in airtight container.


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