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why is lily so annoyed??

Hmm. Well it could be because I've been so busy pickin' up pecans and chopping down the asparagus that I haven't been at the computer where she climbs from my lap up onto my left shoulder, her favorite perch. Sorry girl. I'll try to do better as soon as I get the Christmas decorations down from the attic. Really.

Yesterday was asparagus chopping day which is not a small chore for a fatass middle aged gal with a hand held tool. I got her done though, and the yellowed ferns lie in a big pile waiting for dry weather so I can burn that nitrogen back into the soil. The bed has already been treated to a liberal dose of potash. Then, come March....VOILA! As you can see from the picture, my bed is located next to a fence and in the summer multiflora roses, honeysuckle and poke take over the fence side. My goal is to get that cleaned out early in the spring where it won't come back to bite me in November next year. Let's just say my hands and arms look like I was in a catfight and lost miserably. The weather forecast is calling for snow this evening. Bring it on I say.

Anybody got any leftover turkey? I'll trade you some pecans for it! Happy Cyber Monday eve to you and yours.

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