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lenten delight
Most Christians think of Lent as a period of giving things up in preparation for the big celebration. Most of the time they are important things that we love dearly and just have to SEE if we can survive without. I mean, after all. Look at what he did for us. This year my letting go will be of a relationship that is unpredictable in a scary sort of way. Not abusive, but definitely one sided. See you on the other side of Easter, dude.

The funeral was a warm mixture of hugs and celebration for a life well lived. I sat with Daddy and his sisters and cousins, surrounded by my heritage as they lay another one of theirs to rest. I'm such a camera hound, I always carry mine with me so I couldn't pass on the photo op. Ain't they a happy looking bunch?

Ya'll try to stay warm. In my experience having a couple or three dogs will do the trick.

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